What Is the Main Purpose of Competition Law Mcq
Competition is now recognised almost everywhere as the best way to ensure that consumers have access to the widest range of services at the most competitive prices. Producers will have maximum incentives to innovate, reduce costs and meet consumer demand. Competition thus favours the allocation and efficiency of production. However, all of this requires sound market conditions, and governments around the world are increasingly trying to eliminate market imperfections through appropriate regulations to encourage competition. These agreements are called AAEC agreements, which means a significant negative effect on competition agreements. The law expressly provides that such an agreement is void. 1. The quiz is organised by the Competition Commission of India (ICC). 2.
The aim of the quiz is to create a broad awareness of competition law in India and to arouse stakeholder interest in the nuances of the law. 3. The quiz will be open on the MyGov portal quiz.mygov.in for a period of 30 days from 15 November 2021 to 15 December 2021. 4. A participant must register on the MyGov portal before participating in the quiz. To register, the participant must provide a valid mobile phone number and a valid email ID. By submitting your contact, the participant agrees that this data will be used for the purposes of the quiz. Once submitted, contributions can no longer be withdrawn.
A participant can only participate once. Multiple entries of the same participant will not be taken into account and will be rejected. 5. This is a timed quiz with 20 additional choice questions that must be answered in 10 minutes. There will be no negative marking. 6. Performance in the quiz is evaluated on the basis of “Maximum correct answers in the shortest possible time”. For example, if many people score 20 points, they will be ranked according to the time it takes to complete the quiz, as determined electronically. The person who completed the quiz at the earliest is considered the best performer. According to the ranking of people with a score of 20, people are ranked with a score of 19 and so on. 7.
The quiz is open to all residents of India. Individuals working at CCI or in the Position of Director General (permanent and contractual) and their immediate family members are not eligible for the questionnaire. A participant must confirm to himself that he is eligible to answer the quiz and that he adheres to these terms and conditions. 8. Any type of misconduct, such as identity theft, double participation, etc., renders the person`s participation null and void. 9. CCI accepts no responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed or incomplete or that have not been submitted due to computer errors or other errors beyond the reasonable control of the Organizer. Please note that proof of submission of the contribution is not proof of receipt of the contribution. 10. Cash prize winners must provide their bank details and other login information for authentication purposes. If the winner is not reachable/responds within three business days of the announcement of the result, the prize will be considered lost and another winner will be selected from the remaining eligible entries in accordance with the above procedure until a winner is selected and can be contacted.
11. CCI will announce the final results at a time convenient to cci. 12. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, CCI reserves the right to modify or withdraw the quiz at any time. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. 13. The entrant must from time to time comply with all rules and regulations to participate in the quiz. CCI reserves the right to disqualify or refuse to participate in a participant if it believes that a participant`s participation or association is detrimental to the quiz. 14. Entries are void if the information provided is illegible, incomplete, invalid, damaged, incorrect or incorrect. CCI`s decision on the outcome is final and binding, and no correspondence will be exchanged. 15.
By participating in the quiz, the participant accepts these Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound by them. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Indian judiciary. The Competition Commission of India (ICC) was established under the provisions of the Competition Act 2002 (Act). Its objectives are to prevent practices that harm competition, promote and maintain competition in markets, protect consumer interests and ensure free trade in Indian markets. The Act also mandates the Commission to promote competition issues, i.e. to raise awareness and train competition issues. Representation of interests in competition refers to activities carried out to promote a competitive environment for economic activities. The law obliges the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to promote competition. Unfair competition means the application of practices such as collusion, deliberate reduction of production to increase prices, creation of barriers to entry, market sharing, tied selling, predatory prices, discriminatory prices, etc. This is a business environment in which certain companies enjoy special treatment and are protected from competition. The Law focuses on the following four areas that prohibit anti-competitive agreements; the prohibition of abuse of a dominant position by an undertaking; the regulation of certain combinations; and the defence of competition and reference.
(iii) publication of published articles and studies to promote competition and raise awareness of competition issues; A person/undertaking does not carry out a concentration likely to harm competition and such a concentration is null and void. Course contentThis course examines EU competition law governing these anti-competitive agreements and practices (Articles 101 and 102 and EU Merger Regulation). It examines law in its historical, theoretical and political context. The course begins by examining the underlying objectives of the competition rules, as they fall within the framework of the EU Treaty and the TFEU, as well as the enforcement mechanisms of the rules by public enforcement authorities and individuals. A first question that therefore arises is whether competition law deals exclusively with “competition” and “economic” issues or whether other objectives have shaped its content, e.B. the objectives of integrating the internal market, protecting small but perhaps less effective enterprises, preventing unemployment, protecting the environment or eliminating regional disparities? Can manufacturers and importers of washing machines agree not to manufacture or import less efficient washing machines in order to increase the price of the machines and reduce consumer choice, while benefiting the environment? Can the organizing committee of the Madrid fashion show refuse to let models with a low BMI (body mass index) work because there is a risk of promoting anorexia? The commission consists of a chairman and a minimum of 2 members of the board of directors and a maximum of 6 members of the board. These members must have at least 15 years of experience in their respective fields. Its objectives, duties and powers are set out in the Competition Act, 2002.
Its main task and objective is to ensure that Indian markets maintain a healthy and fair competitive environment, and it is given the power to ensure such an environment and to punish any action that affects its tariffs. CCI also has a mandate to promote competition, raise public awareness and provide training on competition issues. (iv) capacity-building of stakeholders or participation of CCI officials in the competition regulatory process; Where the Commission considers that a concentration is likely to affect or has affected competition, it shall inform the parties of the reasons why no investigation should be carried out in respect of such a concentration. If, after receiving the reply, the Commission considers it a prima facie case that the concentration has or could have appreciable negative effects on competition, it may order the publication of details, invite the public to object and consult them if deemed appropriate. It may invite any person likely to be affected by the combination to submit objections. The Commission may also verify that the disclosure made in the Notice is correct and that the combination is likely to harm competition. International issues and the globalization of competition law (iii) are not approved if the likelihood of an appreciable effect on competition that cannot be solved by amendments is sufficiently high. .