Eea Agreement Annex Xiv
In the event of disagreement between the two institutions on the measures to be taken in the context of a complaint or on the outcome of the examination, either body may refer the matter to the EEA Joint Committee, which shall examine it in accordance with Article 111. Mutual recognition agreements with third countries relating to the conformity assessment of products for which the use of a trade mark is provided for in Community legislation shall be negotiated at the initiative of the Community. The Community shall negotiate on the basis that the third countries concerned conclude parallel mutual recognition agreements with the EFTA States equivalent to those to be concluded with the Community. The Parties shall cooperate in accordance with the general information and consultation procedures laid down in the EEA Agreement. In the event of a difference in relations with third countries, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the EEA Agreement. However, under specific conditions, taking into account in particular international agreements with third countries, derogations may be granted to certain categories of authorised economic operators from the obligation to be established in the customs territory of a Party. In addition, each Contracting Party shall determine whether and under what conditions such status may be granted to an air carrier or a shipping company which is not established in its territory but which has a regional establishment there. for the EFTA States, by the EFTA Surveillance Authority in accordance with the provisions of an Agreement between the EFTA States establishing the EFTA Surveillance Authority, which shall be responsible for the powers and tasks provided for in Protocol No 26. The additional financial contribution from the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania for the period from 1 January 2007 to 30 April 2009 inclusive shall be EUR 21,5 million for the Republic of Bulgaria and EUR 50,5 million for Romania; they shall be made available from the date of entry into force of the Agreement on the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania in the European Economic Area or of an Agreement for the provisional application of the Agreement and shall be committed in a single instalment for 2007. In accordance with a separate agreement between the EFTA States, the EFTA Court shall have jurisdiction to apply this Agreement in particular: the Contracting Parties shall have the right to take decisions extending the legal protection of topographies of semiconductor products to persons coming from a third country or territory; which is not a Party to this Agreement and which does not enjoy the right to protection under the provisions of this Agreement. You can also make the appropriate arrangements.
Notwithstanding the preceding subparagraph, a Party may refuse to land fish from a fish stock of common interest on the management of which there are serious differences of opinion. the agreement is not such as to confer on the undertakings concerned the power to determine the prices of a substantial part of the products concerned in the territory covered by the agreement, or to control or restrict the production or marketing of a substantial part of the products concerned or to protect them from effective competition from other undertakings in the territory covered by the agreement. For the EFTA States, the procedures laid down in the Memorandum of Understanding establishing a Standing Committee of the EFTA States shall include the following: goods in a consignment the intrinsic value of which does not exceed EUR 22, provided that the customs authorities, with the agreement of the economic operator, are responsible for carrying out a risk analysis using the system used in — or the system used by the economic operator; Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, and in particular Protocols Nos 41 and 43, the application of this Agreement shall prevail over the provisions of existing bilateral or multilateral agreements binding the European Economic Community, of the one part, and one or more EFTA States, of the other part, in so far as the same subject matter is governed by this Agreement. Agreements resulting from the negotiations referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject to ratification or approval by the Parties in accordance with their own procedures. The Contracting Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on matters relating to this Agreement. In particular, the EEA Joint Committee shall make every effort to find a mutually acceptable solution where a serious problem arises in an area which falls within the competence of the legislator of the EFTA States. At the request of either Party, consultations shall be held between the Parties on maritime transport issues to be dealt with in international organizations and on the various aspects of development that have taken place in relations between the Parties and third countries in the field of maritime transport and on the functioning of bilateral or multilateral agreements concluded in this field. The Parties undertake to inform each other in the context of the work carried out within the framework of international organisations and intellectual property agreements.
The status of authorised economic operator granted in one Party shall be recognised by another Party without prejudice to customs controls, in particular with a view to the implementation of agreements with third countries on the mutual recognition of the status of authorised economic operator. The extension of rights granted by parallel or equivalent agreements or arrangements or equivalent decisions between one of the Parties and third countries shall be recognised and respected by all Parties. the agreement in question is essential to the achievement of these outcomes and is no more restrictive than necessary for that purpose; The EEA Joint Committee shall take its decisions by common accord between the Community, of the one part, and the EFTA States speaking with one voice, of the other part. Where the Kingdom of Norway exercises this right, the Agreements applicable to Spitsbergen, in particular: the Agreement establishing the European Free Trade Association, the Free Trade Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway and the Free Trade Agreement between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, on the one hand, and the Kingdom of Norway, on the other, continue to apply to the territory of Spitsbergen. agreements or categories of agreements between undertakings; Protocol No 2 on products excluded from the scope of the Agreement pursuant to Article 8 (3) (a) prohibited as incompatible with the operation of this Agreement: all agreements between undertakings, decisions of associations of undertakings and concerted practices which are liable to affect trade between Contracting Parties and which have as their object or effect prevention; Restriction or distortion of competition in the territory covered by this Agreement, in particular those which: The terms and conditions of such participation shall be the subject of an agreement between the Parties and the applicant State. This Agreement shall be submitted to all Contracting Parties for ratification or approval in accordance with their own procedures. Free trade agreements shall not be affected, except as otherwise provided in this Protocol. In cases where free trade agreements do not apply, the provisions of this Agreement shall apply.
If the substantive provisions of free trade agreements continue to apply, the institutional provisions of those agreements shall also apply. This Protocol shall not supplement or impede the application of mutual assistance agreements which have been or may be concluded between the EC Member States and the EFTA States and between the EFTA States. Nor does it preclude more extensive mutual administrative assistance under such agreements. Duly authorised officials of a Party may, in agreement with and under the conditions laid down by the other Party concerned, obtain from the services of the requested authority or any other authority for which the requested authority is competent the infringement of customs legislation which the applicant authority needs for the purposes of this Protocol. .