Actually` Is Used to Express Agreement to a Suggestion
The preposition should be the name or category of those with whom he disagrees (see 107. The language of opinions). The combination usually forms a square bracket between two commas or a comma and a period. The suggestion of disagreement is typical rather than guaranteed, so it is best substantiated by saying why the allegation in question is problematic. So how do you respond to friendly suggestions? You can accept or decline. Used to say that you are both very intelligent when you and another person imply the same idea – v. express something without saying it or show it clearly A quote verb can be related to a reported point, either as before (as X says, …) or after (X says that. – see 127. When to use indirect language). I have the impression that it is more of an agreement. If someone gives an opinion or makes a suggestion that we like, we can say, “I agree with you.” This sentence is clear, but be careful.
If you use it too often, you may seem a bit formal and unnatural. In everyday conversation, we signal agreement in many other ways that are easy to learn. I`m sorry, but…/Sorry, but…/Forgive me, but…: used when you politely tell someone that you don`t agree with them: Sorry/Sorry/Forgive me, but it has never been proven that he stole this car. Consent and disagreement can be shown in various ways in formal writing The phrase How about is a common way to make a friendly suggestion in English. Making a proposal means offering an idea or plan that someone can think about. used to agree with what someone said, although you wouldn`t have said it yourself, especially if they admit they did something wrong or wrong Something English learners will notice is that native English speakers often omit both the subject and the verb when we use What about and How about to make suggestions. Listening: informal OK: used to show that you accept something or that you agree with something Absolutely not / Of course not. / Nothing like it! I think I should take responsibility for the accident. “Absolutely not!/Of course not!/Nothing like that! There is no way it is your fault. You can also use How about + gerund to make a suggestion for an action that doesn`t affect you. For example: Making suggestions in English and responding to them requires practice. But it`s one of the funniest things you can do with a classmate, friend, or family member.
One problem with all this, of course, is that they require I, which may be inappropriate in formal writing (see 46. How to avoid “I”, “we” and “you”). Verbs that allow me to be avoided are a special subset of those that help account for another author`s idea (so-called “quote” verbs – see 76th tense of quote verbs). The following example contains the quote verb suggesting a correspondence: Alternatives to truth are to say exactly, to say convincingly, to say correctly, credible (to say), easy to accept, difficult to disagree, obvious, definitely the case and undeniable. The latter two show their agreement only in appropriate contexts: elsewhere, they could only emphasize their user`s belief in the truth of what is said (see 224. Affirm the truth of what you say). used to admit that you have been defeated by someone or to accept something. Often, their accompanying verb will be in the emphatic form with DO (actually brings …). Using Shall is another way to make a suggestion.
However, this sounds much more formal and is more common in British English than in American English. negative – n. a word or statement that means “no” or expresses a rejection or rejection that is used to say that you will accept the price or offer Finally, I believe it is important to be able to argue why you agree or disagree with someone. .